43 more hits

I need just 43 more hits to reach 3,000 for the month of August.  Visit early, visit often!  Help push World Adventurers over 3,000 hits in August.  If you really like this blog, you’re also welcome to submit it as a candidate for "The Best of MSN Spaces."  I definitely would not mind that at all.  I’m not too proud to ask for a little campaigning from dear readers like you.  Thanks for putting in a good word for me.
I ended up not going to Pusan today after all.  The situation resolved itself.  Instead, I will be out and about in Seoul today and will head to Daejeon again next week.  That’s OK.  I did get some sleep last night, but I still have a bit of a head cold.  I would prefer not to fly until I’m completely better.
I will try to write again tonight.  I have some thoughts on the tragedy of Hurricane Katrina I’d like to share.
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