Snow Falls (a poem)

Tepid dawn creeps through icy branches
Rays of sun glint across frozen fields
Frost mystifies the shivering air
Dead grass peers through aged footprints
Snow maliciously hides signs of life
Summer fades into distant memory
Soft flakes harden with time and cold
Crimson sunlight brings false comfort
Houses seem so warm from out here
A lone child braves the day to play
Missing coverings hidden in storage
Miserable, a pigeon unable to fly away
Love alone cannot fights the elements
Pseudo serenity casts a wicked glow
Even the skeletal trees shriek at the wind
Bark and snow provide ill-fitted cover
Ice blackened in the asphalt shade
Crusty crunching underfoot sounds electric
Winter so desperate and foresaken
Rise, glorious angel, from your tomb of snow
* Inspired by "The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe"

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