And the winner is…

The New England Patriots won this year’s Independence Bowl…er Superbowl, 24-21.  The Philadelphia Eagles hung tough but weren’t quite able to overcome the Pats.  So the Pats have now become a dynasty.  I guess it’s time to put them on my "Do not root for" list.  I prefer greater sports parity.  Although I don’t mind when a team wins multiple championships, I don’t like to see one or two teams dominate a league over a long period of time.  For example, I love baseball, but I don’t like to see the New York Yankees perenniel contenders.  Kansas City Royals fans have just as much right to see their team competitive without having to spend $200+ million in payroll each year.  The Yankees need to go through a few lean years like the Bulls did after Michael Jordan retired.  That the Pats have won 3 of the last 4 Superbowls in a league with a salary cap is quite an achievement.  We’ll see how many more they can win.  At least the Superbowl was a good one with excitement and there weren’t any wardrobe malfunctions this year.  Because we don’t have cable I wasn’t able to watch the game on TV–I kept up with the play-by-play on

My mom came for a short visit before we leave for Korea.  I’m glad she could come and see us and her grandson before we leave for Korea.  We’ll see her again at Christmastime this year, but that seems very far away from now.  She spent the day touring D.C. while I spent the day checking out at work before heading overseas.  I accomplished a lot today (and still have a lot left to do).  Our house is starting to look like a disaster hit it with all the boxes and suitcases scattered about.  It will be even more so tomorrow as we prepare for the packers to arrive.  The packers arrive on Wednesday morning along with the automobile shippers, and the furniture people come on Thursday afternoon to take away the furniture.  We move into temporary furnished quarters on Wednesday, and we will clean our apartment and check out on Thursday.  On Friday morning come hither or thither we will be on an airplane headed to Hawaii (via Atlanta).  I can’t wait until this is over and the craziness subsides.  That probably won’t happen until we are finally settled in Seoul with all of our belongings. 

Dear reader, it is possible that I may not be able to post again for awhile.  I will try to post again tomorrow, but if I am too busy or do not have an Internet connection because of the move I may not be able to write until next weekend.  We’ll see what happens.

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